November 27, 2015

The Difference Between Crowns & Veneers in Mt Holly NJ

veneers mt holly njIt’s hard to keep your options in dentistry straight sometimes. But if you’ve got one or more unattractive or damaged teeth, it’s time you learned what’s what in tooth restoration. One common question our patients have is about the difference between dental crowns and veneers in Mt Holly NJ — so we decided to put the answer in one convenient spot, here on our blog. Keep reading to find out more from the Mt Holly team today!


November 17, 2015

Get to Know the Warning Signs of Gum Disease Mt Holly

woman looking at teeth for signs of gum disease mt Holly residents trust the mt holly family dentistry team for treatment and prevention of gum diseaeAccording to some recent research, mild to severe periodontal (gum) disease may affect up to 80% of US adults over 30. More conservative estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention place the number between 50 and 60%, but don’t include patients with gingivitis, the mildest from of periodontal disease. The research may not agree on the number of people who suffer from periodontal disease, but dental researchers agree that gum disease is a serious problem in the US. Gum disease occurs when plaque or tartar build up around the gum line causing tissue irritation. Sources also vary on why the number of US adults with gum disease is so high, but some of the leading causes of gum disease include poor oral hygiene, hormonal changes, diabetes, genetic predisposition, and high risk behaviors (smoking, high sugar diet, and excessive drinking). Whatever the cause, it’s essential that patients know the signs of gum disease, and seek treatment as soon as possible. The best way to avoid developing advanced periodontal disease is to make six month dental checkups and teeth cleanings part of your oral hygiene routine.

November 7, 2015

Top Foods to Prevent Tooth Decay from Your Family Dentist Mt Holly, NJ

woman with bag of foods that are good for teeth she learned from the family dentist mt holly residents trustYou’ve probably heard the phrase you are what you eat. This adage is commonly repeated by physicians, diet books, and mothers to their children, but it was originally used in 1923 by Victor Lindlahr. He was a nutritionist, and one of the first people who believed in a direct link between the foods we consume and our health. While his research was a bit spotty, a 1993 study revealed that diet was the 2nd leading cause of death in the US linked to 300,000 deaths compared to the 400,000 deaths that were tobacco related. Suffice it to say, Lindlahr, your doctor, diet books, and mother may have been right when they said you are what you eat. It will likely come as no surprise that dentists agree. Nutrition significantly impacts oral health. Maybe even more than it does whole body health since the foods and beverages we consume react directly with bacteria in the mouth, and high sugar or carbohydrate diets create an acidic biofilm that causes tooth decay. When it comes to protecting oral and overall health, maintaining a well-balanced diet in addition to thorough at-home hygiene and regular dental checkups is essential.