May 23, 2016

I’ve Been Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea in Mount Holly, Now What?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 5:09 pm

What do I do when I’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea in Mount Holly?Do you suffer from chronic fatigue that affects your ability to concentrate or focus throughout the day? Do you ever suffer from headaches or depression? Do you find yourself waking up multiple times throughout the night? If you’ve ever been accused of snoring by your bed partner, take heed. These symptoms could be the sign of a larger problem such as a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea in Mount Holly, or have already been diagnosed here’s some information you need to know. (more…)

May 19, 2016

Mt. Holly dentists explain routine vs. deep cleanings

Periodontal disease in Mt. Holly features red, puffy, pus-filled gums that pull away from teeth. Learn how deep cleanings help this oral health problem.The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate half adult Americans over 30 have periodontal or advanced gum disease. Typified by red, swollen, bleeding gums, periodontitis leads to bone recession and tooth loss and to systemic problems such as diabetes, heart attack, asthma, arthritis, dementia and more. (more…)

May 10, 2016

The importance of wearing a Mt. Holly mouthguard

Enjoy sports and keep your oral health by wearing a Mt. Holly mouthguard. Learn more about these appliances customized by Mt. Holly dentist, H. William Greenberg.What’s more important than your health? Don’t forget to protect it when playing sports. Whether your favorite is a heavy contact activity, such as hockey, or simple aerobic exercise, such as running, an athletic mouthguard from your skilled dental team at Mount Holly Family Dentistry keeps your mouth safe and even increases performance! (more…)