July 6, 2019

Time to Relax: Why Sleep is One of the Most Effective Post-Workout Recoveries

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 4:41 pm

a woman asleep

It’s summertime, and that means taking advantage of the warmer temperatures. What better way to enjoy a day outside than to engage in some level of physical activity or sport? Whether it be playing frisbee, going for a run, or opting for swim aerobics, an outdoor workout can not only burn calories, but it can also help you sleep better! Find out why sleep is your number one friend for effectively recovering after a good workout.


June 10, 2019

A Dentist Reveals the Truth Behind 5 Oral Health Myths

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 4:33 pm

Brushing TeethYou’ve probably been told since you were little about the importance of brushing twice a day and seeing the dentist regularly, but how much do you really know about protecting your oral health? There are a lot of misconceptions floating around that can lead you to developing bad habits that will ultimately harm your teeth – possibly even causing tooth loss. Here are 5 myths that every dentist would like to see debunked.


May 12, 2019

Missing One Tooth? Should You Get an Implant or a Bridge?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 8:15 pm

Dentist showing implant

A full set of teeth is key for a confident, healthy smile. When you lose a tooth for any reason, a prompt replacement can make all the difference. In the past, the only choice to fill those gaps was a dental bridge, but thanks to advancements in dentistry, dental implants are also a potentially effective solution. Which one is best for you? Whether you’re missing one tooth or multiple teeth, it’s important to be familiar with the various replacement options and to know which will work better for your unique situation.


April 16, 2019

How to Handle Loose Dental Implants in Mt. Holly

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 12:18 am

Dental implantMissing teeth can be a major source of embarrassment and have a negative effect on a person’s oral and overall health. That is why more than 5 million dental implants are placed each year in the U.S., according to the American Dental Association. A reliable and effective tooth replacement solution, dental implants can – in rare cases – become loose. It is important to recognize the signs of a loose implant so you can know when to seek professional help. Take a moment to read the information below so you know when to pick up the phone and call a dentist in Mt. Holly.

March 7, 2019

Missing Teeth? Here’s What Dental Implants Can Do for You!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 4:04 am

older woman smiling holding appleIf you’ve had the misfortune of losing a tooth, then is it important to have it replaced? A local dentist says it definitely is. Find out why this is so and discover how dental implants and other replacement procedures can help you regain your full function and smile aesthetics.


February 6, 2019

How Can You Prevent Infection of Your Dental Implants In Mt. Holly?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 10:09 am

Model of implant in the lower jawWhen it comes to getting a dental implant, the risk is low and the benefits are high. It’s a wonderful investment in your oral health that can last several decades or even a lifetime with proper maintenance. However, as with any surgery, no matter how minor, there’s always a small risk of infection. In this blog, you’ll find out how to prevent infection after getting dental implants in Mt. Holly. And, should one occur, you’ll also learn about the symptoms to watch for and how it can be treated. Keep reading to learn more!


January 4, 2019

4 Ways to Eat Healthier This New Year from Your Dentist in Mt. Holly

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 8:25 pm

man eating healthy food

It’s that time of year again! Time to make resolutions to be better—maybe to eat healthier foods. By the time February rolls around, some can revert back to their old habits when they don’t feel that their goals are important or meaningful enough. But not this year! 2019 is going to be different because consuming healthy foods can not only help your waistline and your overall health but also improve your oral health. Check out this advice from your dentist in Mt. Holly to make it easier to keep your resolution to be healthy. (more…)

December 2, 2018

Healthy Stocking Stuffers from a Children’s Dentist in Mt. Holly

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 9:38 pm

Young boy smilingWith the holidays coming up, have you done some shopping for your kids? If you’re looking for some ideas for stocking stuffers, did you know there are fun gifts you can give your children that keep them healthy too? Keep reading to learn about 7 healthy stocking stuffers from a children’s dentist in Mt. Holly so your kids can celebrate the festivities with amazing oral health.


November 6, 2018

An End to Jaw Pain with TMJ Therapy in Mt. Holly!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 9:12 pm

woman holding jaw in painNovember has been designated as National TMJ Awareness Month, which is the time of the year set aside to raise awareness about a serious condition that affects the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) – which is TMJ dysfunction (TMD). Dentists also use this time to encourage those who are experiencing symptoms to schedule a visit with a local professional so they can be examined. As you read on, you’ll find out the causes of TMD and what can be done to restore jaw health and functionality.


October 9, 2018

How to Handle a Cracked Porcelain Veneer in Mt. Holly

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 12:38 am

 A woman covering her mouth.Whether you just had a bad fall or you bit into a piece of food just a little too hard, cracked porcelain veneers happen. For many, this is an aesthetic emergency that cannot wait. If you’re getting married in two days, you’ve got a professional event you’re headlining, or rely on your appearance for your job, a cracked porcelain veneer in Mt. Holly just can’t wait.

For those dealing with this cosmetic catastrophe, read this from a dentist. They can go over the steps of repairing your tooth just in time.


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