What’s the worst part about going to your dentist? If you answered, “the shot,” then you’re not alone. Many people delay or even neglect getting dental treatment because they hate getting that necessary shot of anesthesia that numbs them before the procedure. Well, thanks to modern science, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. At your dentist in Mount Holly, we use a technology known as Single Tooth Anesthesia (formerly called The Wand) to make dentistry as painless as possible. Would you like to learn more about this nifty gadget?
December 18, 2017
Your Dentist in Mount Holly Offers Painless Dentistry with STA!
November 26, 2017
Dear Dentist, Why Does My Mouth Heal So Quickly?
You order some tea at your favorite café, but you’re a little too eager to enjoy that steaming cup of herbal delight. You take a sip, and — ow! You get an unpleasant shock when the searing hot liquid scalds your tongue. Or maybe you just had oral surgery and are bleeding a bit after your procedure. Fortunately, these types of wounds heal quickly. Have you ever wondered why your mouth makes such a speedy recovery after it’s injured? Your dentist near Lumberton is here to explain.
November 21, 2017
Overcrowded Mouth? Consider Wisdom Tooth Removal in Mount Holly
From infancy to adulthood, the body undergoes several dramatic changes. You get taller, your voice changes, you name it; the body is an incredibly complex organism. However, it’s common that between the ages of 17 and 21, two pairs of teeth known as wisdom teeth will appear in the back of your mouth. This may cause your mouth to become overcrowded leaving the rest of your teeth at risk. The good news is this is a pretty common occurrence, so wisdom tooth removal in Mount Holly is available if needed.
October 27, 2017
Dentist in Lumberton Explains the In’s and Out’s of Cavities
Is candy more of a common snack for you rather than an occasional treat? If so, your dental health may be suffering from tooth decay and develop cavities. Your dentist in Lumberton is here to help you better understand tooth decay so that you can avoid cavities in the future.
October 21, 2017
A Dentist in Lumberton Can Replace Your Teeth Several Ways
If you have missing teeth, you’ve probably heard about dental implants. Dental implants are one of the most revolutionary ways to replace teeth, but they do take some preparation from you and your dentist in Lumberton. Not everyone is the right candidate for them. In fact, you may not be the perfect candidate for dental implants if you’re:
- Young because your mouth hasn’t stopped developing.
- Currently pregnant.
- A tobacco user or not willing to quit using tobacco products.
- An alcohol or substance abuser.
- Someone who has received high-dose radiation treatment of the head or neck.
- Someone with chronic diseases or systemic problems.
Even if you’re not the best candidate for dental implants, there are many ways to replace your missing teeth! Learn all about tooth replacement here!
October 7, 2017
Cosmetic Dentist in Lumberton Says It’s Okay to Be “Chewsy”
Have you seen an extreme makeover TV show and seen first hand how a person’s life can completely change with better confidence in their appearance? Sometimes you find yourself thinking, “Wow, I wish I could have a smile makeover!” Good news: we’re here to help you better understand how simply visiting a cosmetic dentist in Lumberton can help you achieve the aesthetic goals you have.
September 10, 2017
Your Dentist Uses Advanced Technology to Give You a Healthy Smile!
Dentistry has been around for thousands of years. When it first began, it was a brutal profession that often left patients in pain. We’re happy to say that dentistry has evolved! Thanks to modern technology, your dentist in Lumberton can make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed while you get those pearly whites worked on. Here are just a few examples of the innovations we use to create a positive experience for everyone who comes into our office.
August 15, 2017
Is Seltzer Water Bad for You? Your Dentist Chimes In
There are few things as refreshing as a cold, carbonated beverage. However, you already know that soda is bad for your body and your teeth because of all the sugar that’s packed into it. But what about carbonated beverages that aren’t so sweet, like seltzer water? It’s nice that it’s not loaded with sugar, but it isn’t a safe bet for your pearly whites. Your dentist near Lumberton explains why.
August 4, 2017
Your Dentist Advises You to Stop Reaching for a Toothpick
Toothpicks call to mind images of cool guys in movies — what are they trying to get out from between their teeth anyway? Or, you might think of trays of delicious hors d’oeuvres that float around at weddings and your annual company holiday party. But do you use toothpicks to clean your own teeth? Your dentist in Lumberton advises you not to. Here’s why.
July 10, 2017
We Can Straighten Teeth with Porcelain Veneers in Lumberton!
Did you know that your crooked smile could be causing your smile to deteriorate over time? There are many reasons why having an aligned smile is important besides aesthetics. Let’s take a look at what straightening options we offer at Mt. Holly Family dentistry. Whether it be porcelain veneers in Lumberton or even Invisalign, we have the options you need to improve the alignment of your teeth.