What’s the worst part about going to your dentist? If you answered, “the shot,” then you’re not alone. Many people delay or even neglect getting dental treatment because they hate getting that necessary shot of anesthesia that numbs them before the procedure. Well, thanks to modern science, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. At your dentist in Mount Holly, we use a technology known as Single Tooth Anesthesia (formerly called The Wand) to make dentistry as painless as possible. Would you like to learn more about this nifty gadget?
Painless Injections
The sting most people feel with traditional anesthesia shots doesn’t come from the needle itself; it comes from the numbing drug as it moves into the tissue. The Wand uses a tiny needle to inject the anesthesia so slowly that you probably won’t even know it’s happening. The system’s computer monitors how much of the drug you’re receiving, and your dentist can control the delivery to make sure you stay comfortable.
You can also rest assured that your dentist isn’t likely to make any painful “oopses” while they’re administering the anesthesia. The Wand has a training mode that helps clinicians master the technology. Your team of dental care professionals in Mount Holly are already pros at using this innovative system!
No Collateral Numbness
Most dentists employ a traditional method of numbing their patients; they use a few shots to numb the entire area around the tooth that is going to be worked on. While this is effective, it is uncomfortable. Not only do the shots cause pain, but they also numb a much larger area than necessary. The result can be loss of feeling in the tongue and cheek, along with slurred speech and a droopy face.
STA is different. It delivers a computer-controlled amount of anesthesia to a very small area — just the tooth that is going to get worked on. There won’t be any “collateral numbness.” The system’s computer also monitors the position of the needle so it stays in its proper place. Therefore, you’ll be able to go back to work or school after your appointment without worrying that you’ll drool all over the place or won’t be able to communicate.
Procedures That Involve the Wand
The Wand can be used in pretty much any procedure that requires anesthesia, whether the treatment is to benefit your oral health or it’s just to make your smile look better. For example, it may be used when you’re getting a filling or when your cosmetic dentist in Mount Holly is preparing your teeth to receive porcelain veneers. Usually, whether anesthesia will be used for a particular treatment is left to your dentist’s professional judgement.
Thanks to STA, there is no reason to fear your next dental appointment!
About Mount Holly Family Dentistry
The team of dentists at Mount Holly Family Dentistry is proud to offer comfortable, compassionate dentistry to our patients. If you have questions about us or the technology we use, please contact us at 609-267-3230.